Extend signing application (OnPremise only)

WebSign is exposing custom events that allows integrators to extend or change the built-in functionality of the application. The following client side events are supported :

  • DocumentsLoaded : event is triggered when all document images are loaded and the user can fully interact with the documents.

  • NavigateToNextElement : event is triggered when the user navigates to the next element using the "Next" UI button. The argument for this event is the DOM id of the element to which the guide navigated to.

  • Signed : event triggered after user signs a signature field. The argument for this event is the DOM id of the signature field which was just signed.

  • Finishing : event triggered just before the will be finished.

To enable triggering these custom events :

  • feature "EnableTriggerCustomEvents" should be enabled in Bulksign settings file.

  • we ship a sample Javascript file that hooks up to all custom events , find "CustomEventsHandler.js" in \Scripts\CustomEventsHandler.js

  • extend the code to fit your needs :

$(document).on('DocumentsLoaded', function (name, parameters) {



$(document).on('NavigateToNextElement', function (name, parameters) {

    if (parameters !== undefined) {

$(document).on('Signed', function (name, parameters) {

    if (parameters !== undefined) {

$(document).on('Finishing', function (name, parameters) {

