API model changes and deprecation

Due to changes in the application functionality, sometimes parts of the API models are changed and/or deprecated. This document lists all the API changes/deprecations and how the API requests need to be updated to work.

Version 4.97.1

  • this version unifies the AddUserToOrganization and AddUserToOrganizationForLoginWithExternalProvider API. The AddUserToOrganization has a new model property for seting the LoginType. AddUserToOrganizationForLoginWithExternalProvider is removed.

  • the result model for GetDraftDetails and GetTemplateDetail was changed. This change affects ONLY our SDK because the property names of the types remain the same.

  • the property "DisableSignerEmailNotifications" was renamed to "DisableReminderNotifications" to further avoid confusion regarding the intended scope.

Version 4.90

This version introduce a new feature, the possibility to define sign email messages for multiple languages. This lead to a breaking API change because they way messages are defined has changed :

Before :

envelope.EmailMessage = "Please sign this document";
envelope.EmailSubject = "Please review and sign the envelope {{#EnvelopeName#}} . Envelope will expire at {{#ExpirationDate#}}";

Now :

envelope.Messages = new [] {
    new MessageApiModel()
        Subject = "Please sign this document",
        Message = "Please review and sign the envelope {{#EnvelopeName#}} . Envelope will expire at {{#ExpirationDate#}}",
        Language = "en-US" 