Release notes for version 4.97.3

Date : 26-07-2024

BulksignSDK : 4.97

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.86

DatabaseSchemaChanges : Yes

  • added support for signing groups (available in serial signing flows).

  • added support for automatic signer to concurrent signing flows.

  • improved the page layout for error message when recipient opens an already locked envelope.

  • fixed issue with allowing envelope sender to drag and drop signature field on a document inaccessible to the selected signer.

  • automatic signer finish date is now shown in the envelope details page.


Breaking change This release contains a breaking API change. Please see details here


Release notes for version 4.96

Date : 24-06-2024

BulksignSDK : 4.96

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.86

DatabaseSchemaChanges : Yes

  • audit trail shows now explicitly if the signing process was finished manually or automatically.

  • added new policy named "Force batch signing for all envelopes" which van be used for force batch signing for ALL envelopes sent from your organization.

  • small updates to error messages when uploading a PDF file. The error message now references the filename of the PDF

  • added new placeholder for Receives Copy email templates which lists all the signers of the envelope.

Release notes for version 4.95

Date : 20-06-2024

BulksignSDK : 4.91

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.86

DatabaseSchemaChanges : No

  • added new date based filters in documents list page

  • added new setting to specify the compression level for completed documents ZIP archive

  • the read notification dialog has been replaced with a "in page" equivalent to be more mobile friendly.

  • fixed issue with audit trail layout which, in rare cases, could result in improperly aligned text.

  • 3 more global settings can now be overwritten at the organization level

Release notes for version 4.94

Date : 17-06-2024

BulksignSDK : 4.91

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.86

DatabaseSchemaChanges : No

  • added support for ReceiveCopy recipients to bulk envelopes.

  • bulk recipients can now be added from Add Recipients dialog too.

  • added designer option to remove element from settings dialog.

Release notes for version 4.93

Date : 11-06-2024

BulksignSDK : 4.91

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.86

DatabaseSchemaChanges : No

  • added new option in designer to re-assign all signature fields for recipient to be of same type

Release notes for version 4.92

Date : 04-06-2024

BulksignSDK : 4.91

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.86

DatabaseSchemaChanges : No

  • added support for batch signing with LocalCertificate signatures.

  • usability tweaks for /Designer and Signing settings page.

  • added new event "BatchSigned" for JS extensions, please see updated documentation

Release notes for version 4.91.4

Date : 27-05-2024

BulksignSDK : 4.91

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.86

DatabaseSchemaChanges : No

  • fixed issue which , in certain situation, could prevent manual reminders from being sent.

  • In WebHooks section added check that the callback URLs must include the envelopeId parameter.

  • The URL parameter is now required in organization/envelope SMS messages (without this parameter the signer cannot access the signing link).

Release notes for version 4.91.2

Date : 21-05-2024

BulksignSDK : 4.91

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.86

DatabaseSchemaChanges : Yes

  • added new option per envelope to send the sign notification message on SMS (instead of email)

  • added new option (enabled by default) which toggles if HTML is allowed or not in sign notification messages

  • fixed issue when signing with local certificates that only support SHA512 hashing algorithm. Please note thus also requires updating to the newly released CertificateHub v1.4.4

  • added a copy error identifier button to make it easier to obtain the identifier

Release notes for version 4.90.1

Date : 18-04-2024

BulksignSDK : 4.90

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.86

DatabaseSchemaChanges : Yes

  • added the possibility to define the email messages in multiple languages

Breaking change

This release contains a breaking API change. Please see details here

Release notes for version 4.89

Date : 27-03-2024

BulksignSDK : 4.89

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.86

DatabaseSchemaChanges : No

  • for on-premise version specifically we have added a new authentication option for signers (API only) : ActiveDirectory. Please see the feature documentation

Release notes for version 4.88

Date : 21-03-2024

BulksignSDK : 4.87

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.86

DatabaseSchemaChanges : No

  • for on-premise version specifically we have added new option to overwrite some global settings at the organization level (see documentation).

  • after sending a new envelope, the user will now be redirected directly to the envelope details page.

Release notes for version 4.87

Date : 12-03-2024

BulksignSDK : 4.87 ExtensibilitySDK : 4.86

  • following customer feedback, we have added a new policy which allows adding locked PDF documents to the envelope.

  • Dashboard session optimizations (less memory used for each session).

Release notes for version 4.86

Date : 06-03-2024

BulksignSDK : 4.85

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.86

  • added support for triggering 2 more signer action events : read and authentication failed.

Release notes for version 4.85

Date : 21-02-2024

BulksignSDK : 4.85

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.81

  • added possibility to define email default messages in multiple languages. Depending on the corresponding default draft language the corresponding default rmail message will now be used. In the UI, the email message settings from Settings\Organization were moved to Settings\Defult Email Messages.

Release notes for version 4.84.3

Date : 01-02-2024

BulksignSDK : 4.79

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.81

  • added possibility to navigate to a specific document page in designer mode.

  • fixed issue with footer which overlapped the content in specific scenarios.

  • fixed issue with settings icon for bulk recipients.

  • updated layouts for attachments dialog in designer mode.

  • fixed issue with line breaks in default email body.

Release notes for version 4.83.1

Date : 19-01-2024

BulksignSDK : 4.79

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.81

  • the id of the envelope is now listed in the envelope details page (along with a copy to clipboard button).

  • the envelope errors list was extended to include additional cases.

  • small design tweaks in multiple pages to make better use of vertical space.

Release notes for version 4.82

Date : 10-01-2024

BulksignSDK : 4.79

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.81

  • added possibility for Bulksign administrators to see envelope info by querying the envelope by id for troubleshooting. The new functionality is available from "Settings\Envelope Information".

Release notes for version 4.81.1

Date : 03-01-2024

BulksignSDK : 4.79

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.81

  • added support for extracting the document summary using AI. With this version we are shipping support for ChatGPT.

  • added new provider for Sinch

  • added provider for Hashicorp Vault for storing the storage encryption key

  • updated contacts search to also search for "Company" field

Release notes for version 4.80

Date : 18-12-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.79

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.78

  • envelope expiration notification change : if the envelope sender is also a recipient, only the sender notification will be sent from now on.

  • organization provider configuration is updated to support multiple ISign providers, please see the updated documentation

  • added new global option (name is "AddRecipientNameAsSignatureReason"). If enabled, this will set the signature reason as the recipient name (when signing with default/organization ).

Release notes for version 4.79

Date : 13-12-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.79

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.78

  • deployment update for providers (there are shipped now at \Settings\Providers). All providers which come by default with Bulksign are now documented here

Release notes for version 4.78

Date : 07-12-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.74

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.78

  • moved to NET 8

  • fixed WebSign issue which resulted on DrawToSign dialog not being shown in a certain condition.

  • added more recipient callback actions, please see the updated documentation


Starting with this release Bulksign requires NET 8. When updating, please run install_pre.ps1 so the NET 8 runtime can be installed.

Release notes for version 4.77.1

Date : 28-11-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.74

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.71

  • fixed issue with missing timezone difference in signature imprint when using "Envelope sender selected timezone" option

  • logging improvements for WebSign (please note the default logging configuration file 'sign.xml' was updated)


This is the latest Bulksign release which runs on NET 6.

Release notes for version 4.77

Date : 27-11-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.74

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.71

Release notes for version 4.76

Date : 13-11-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.74

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.71

  • added option to use SMS OTP authentication as part of identity validation

  • fixed issue with validating uploaded images on signature imprints.

Release notes for version 4.75

Date : 27-10-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.74

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.71

  • added search for both user and shared contacts
  • fixed problem with search for envelopes/templates
  • added same phone number validation when importing contacts from CSV ([phone number format must be +{country code})
  • prevent adding duplicate users (email address must be unique) when adding bulk recipients from multiple sources (CSV and contacts)
  • envelope backup job retries will now match the "JobMaximumRetries" setting.

Release notes for version 4.74

Date : 20-10-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.74

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.71

  • UI improvements for adding bulk recipients
  • added possibility to change the envelope recipient language (both UI and API).

Release notes for version 4.73.1

Date : 16-10-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.73

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.71

  • added support for specifying multiple signature disclosure agreements (one agreement per language). New API sample which demonstrates this scenario is available here

  • added support for specifying individual notification language per recipient.

Release notes for version 4.72

Date : 28-09-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.72

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.71

  • added support manual identity verification.

  • fix for editing the recipient authentication options.

  • for each release from now on, we'll provide a SDK type diff list between each version to make it easier to find which types were introduced in which version of the SDK.

Release notes for version 4.71

Date : 14-08-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.65

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.71

  • added support for sender tags (name, email and organization name). See the updated documentation

  • added envelope backup provider errors in the envelope details page (there is a new tab called "Errors").

Release notes for version 4.70

Date : 07-08-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.65

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.60

  • added new themes for visual customization (see the updated sample project )

  • improved TypeToSign : added possibility to increase/decrease and switch the font.

  • added footer link to show the signing link.

Release notes for version 4.68.2

Date : 31-07-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.65

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.60

  • email subject/body are now shown on the envelope details page

  • added more selectors for visual customization (see the updated sample project )

  • updated design (all modals are now centered and can be closed with Escape key)

Release notes for version 4.66

Date : 14-07-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.65

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.60

  • add usage support for timestamps

  • fixed an issue with exporting SMS usage

  • fixed an issue with result data for PrepareSendEnvelope API (arrays will be empty now instead of null).

  • updated CertificateHub application (for signing with LocalCertificates please update to version 1.4.2)

Release notes for version 4.65

Date : 11-07-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.65

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.60

  • specifically for on-premise version, we've added a new option called "AllowAdministratorViewOtherUsers" (defaults to false). If this is enabled, it allows organization administrator to view the list of users (Name and email address) for the other organizations of a specific instance.

  • API : the Search* methods enforce now the search term length to 3 chars (same as UI).

  • localization fixes (added localization to 2 places were English was hardcoded)

  • fixed an issue with organization export

Release notes for version 4.64

Date : 06-07-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.64

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.60

  • added new API to download all PDF attachments per envelope.

  • added new API for resetting the signature type for a recipient (option was already available in UI).

Release notes for version 4.63

Date : 03-07-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.63

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.60

  • Signature Imprints : added default option for scaling font size based on the signature size.

  • added localization per organization. See Settings\Localization

  • fixed designer issue when having recipients with very long names.

Release notes for version 4.62.1

Date : 21-06-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.62

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.60

Notes :

On-Premise version specific changes:

  • added new error page at startup when Bulksign cannot connect to the database.
  • added new option to automatically check for license updates.
  • added better error pages when application fails due to licensing specific problems (the name of the server was changed and doesnt corresponds anymore with the license)

General :

  • added new option (name is "JobsEnvelopeExpirationIntervalMinutes") to specify the interval when the envelope expiration checks are done.

Release notes for version 4.61.1

Date : 07-06-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.55

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.60

Notes :

  • signer and approver recipients can now be replaced/edited even when their signing process is in progress.

  • visual tweaks for the designer page :

1) document switcher was moved to the left side of the page 2) document name also shows the number of pages for each document 3) better layout on smaller resolutions for designer tools.

Release notes for version 4.60

Date : 23-05-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.55

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.60

Notes :

  • added option to redirect to your own URL for envelopes created in incognito mode
  • added a new callback option to be notified when an envelope is created from incognito mode.
  • added support to configure the email sender service per organization (including your own SMTP server).

Release notes for version 4.59

Date : 17-05-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.55

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.54.1

Notes :

  • added email templates translation for missing languages : Simplified Chinese, Ukrainian and Russian
  • added new email template for registering account with OIDC providers : Github, Google and Gitlab.
  • fixed an issue when signing with USB token / smart card certificate which only support SHA384 hashing algorithm.

Release notes for version 4.58

Date : 02-05-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.55

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.54.1

Notes :

  • added Google as an login provider (SAAS only)
  • added the possibility to encrypt the settings.json file. Please see the documentation
  • the read document page was updated to include the "Continue" button also at the top of the screen.

Release notes for version 4.57

Date : 28-04-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.55

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.54.1

Notes :

Release notes for version 4.56.1

Date : 10-04-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.55

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.54.1

Notes :

  • added support to consume the SOAP API using .NET TCP binding (only for on-premise) . Details here

Release notes for version 4.56

Date : 05-04-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.55

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.54.1

Notes :

  • PostgreSQL reached production recommended status

  • database performance improvements (for both SQLServer and PostgreSQL)

  • we are introducing the GRPC version of our API. Only a few methods are exposed now, we plan to fill in the rest over the next few releases. Few notes about this :

  • the proto file is available on Github

  • this need to be explicitly enabled from settings.json. There is a new setting called "GrpcApiPort" where you can set the port which will be used by the GRPC API.

  • please be aware of the requirments for GRPC.

Release notes for version 4.55

Date : 24-03-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.55

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.54.1

Notes :

  • updated an incorrect translation for Spanish language

  • fixed issue with incorrect title page when editing user automatic profiles

  • misc. internal changes (more caching)

Release notes for version 4.54.5

Date : 21-03-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.53

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.54.1

Notes :

  • few design tweaks to align the main button position in dialogs

  • fixed an issue with wrong redirect when using application connect endpoint.

Release notes for version 4.54.1

Date : 10-03-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.53

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.54.1

Notes :

  • added support for new signing provider

  • added possibility to configure providers per organization using BulksignCLI

Release notes for version 4.53

Date : 10-02-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.53

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.51.1

Notes :

Release notes for version 4.52.1

Date : 08-02-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.51.1

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.52.1

Notes :

  • fixed an issue with size of the signature imprint font when the signature height is smaller than 10 pixels.

Release notes for version 4.52

Date : 03-02-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.51.1

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.52.1

Notes :

  • added support for PostgreSQL (we recommend version 14 and 15). At the moment we are labeling PostgreSQL support as beta and we recommend it only for Test/UAT/DEV installations. Please see the updated install instructions about how to start with PostgreSQL

  • added support for SQL Server distributed session to be used in load balanced scenarios without sticky sessions. More details in documentation

  • if the proxy is configured, it will now be used for ALL outbound requests.

  • added new provider for sending callbacks to RabbitMQ server.

Release notes for version 4.51

Date : 25-01-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.51.1

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.51.1

Notes :

  • fixed an issue with loading remote signing providers with the same SignatureName

Release notes for version 4.51

Date : 24-01-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.51

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.51.1

Notes :

  • added the possibility to pass remote signature configuration data from API per recipient.

  • added remote signing plugin sample code on Github

Release notes for version 4.50.2

Date : 17-01-2023

BulksignSDK : 4.50.1

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.21

Notes :

  • lots of performance improvements

  • runtime switch from .NET Framework 4.8 to .NET 6

Release notes for version 4.33

Date : 14-12-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.31

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.21

Notes :

  • the audit trail PDF has been redesigned with a better layout (this will help when more "verbose" languages are used).

Release notes for version 4.32.1

Date : 08-12-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.31

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.21

Notes :

  • added per organization setting which dictates how timestamping failures are handled. For on-premise versions, this replaces the global "IgnoreTimestampingError" global option.

  • a new explicit dialog is shown now for timestamping errors.

  • for on-premise version added explicit error when trying to use OTP signatures and no SMSProvider has been configured.

  • added option to trigger callbacks multiple times (documentation is here

Release notes for version 4.31.1

Date : 02-12-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.31

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.21

Notes :

Release notes for version 4.30

Date : 22-11-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.27.2

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.21

Notes :

  • using BulksignCli, we have added an option to configure providers (for now ICompletedEnvelopeBackupProvider and ISMSProvider) per organization.

Release notes for version 4.29

Date : 16-11-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.27.2

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.21

Notes :

  • following user feedback, we've added the possibility to replace a user's email address. This action can only be performed by the organization administrator.

Release notes for version 4.28

Date : 10-11-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.27.2

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.21

Notes :

  • added document tag support for other form fields : TextBox, ComboBox and CheckBox.

  • added option to view/export SMS usage (in Usage Report).

Release notes for version 4.27

Date : 31-10-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.27

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.21

Notes :

  • small API update, added "IsEnvelopeSender" property for GetEnvelopesToSign result.

Release notes for version 4.26

Date : 21-10-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.26

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.21

Notes :

  • introduce a new API method named GetUserDetails

Release notes for version 4.25.3

Date : 17-10-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.25.2

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.21

Notes :

  • added support for attachment tags, please see the updated documentation

Release notes for version 4.25.2

Date : 13-10-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.25.2

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.21

Notes :

  • added option to disable the internal EUTL update job. The default configuration for on-premise version will disable this to prevent outside network requests from the default installation. If you are using the EUTL LocalCertificate option, you have 2 options to maintain the up to date list :

-extract the eutl.txt file from the latest Bulksign release and overwrite your installed copy.

-enable the job from settings.json

Jobs : [{
        "Name" : "EutlJob",
        "IsEnabled" : "true"

Release notes for version 4.25.1

Date : 10-10-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.25.1

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.21

Notes :

  • added new integration option to create PDF signature fields using tags. Documentation about this feature is available here

  • added UI button to create "placeholder" recipients in templates. The placeholder recipients will also be highlighted in the recipients list (the email address will be orange).

  • added check to prevent sending an envelope for signing when one recipient is a placeholder.

  • the signatures added from designer for automatic signers will only have the "ClickToSign" icon.

Release notes for version 4.23.9

Date : 23-09-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.22.1

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.21

Notes :

  • added check for certificate expiration date when using configuring a custom signing certificate per organization

Release notes for version 4.23.6

Date : 22-09-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.22.1

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.21

Notes :

  • added the name of the envelope sender to the envelope details page when viewing an envelope which belongs to a team-member.

  • fixed a localization problem which resulted in an specific error message always being shown in the English language

Release notes for version 4.23.5

Date : 19-09-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.22.1

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.21

Notes :

  • fixed an issue which could lead to a blank signature image when signing with a Bulksign user which doesn't have a signature profile

  • slight improvement for document loading in both designer and signer modes.

Release notes for version 4.23.3

Date : 12-09-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.22.1

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.20

Notes :

  • performance improvements when loading the document list (better, more streamlined DB queries).

Release notes for version 4.23.1

Date : 30-08-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.22

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.20

Notes :

  • fix for issue which prevented DB logging in a certain scenario

  • added some internal caching which will speed up the signing process in scenarios with signature background image customization.

Release notes for version 4.23

Date : 17-08-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.22

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.20

Notes :

  • added support for CSS customization to dashboard application per organization. Please see the updated documentation

Release notes for version 4.22.2

Date : 10-08-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.22

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.20

Notes :

  • fixed an issue which prevented the audit trail generation when LTV option was enabled.

Release notes for version 4.22.1

Date : 08-08-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.22

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.20

Notes :

  • ActiveDirectory synchronization now supports custom roles sync.

  • added search option in the users list.

Release notes for version 4.22

Date : 03-08-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.22

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.20

Notes :

  • added support for custom user roles. From now on you can define custom roles (granting users access to different organization settings sections) and assign them to users.

Release notes for version 4.21.2

Date : 06-07-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.21.1

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.20

Notes :

  • added support for a new signature type : "Stamp" which allows more flexibility when the signer has to sign the document with a predefined image. Signing with predefined stamps/images is also supported now.

Breaking change

In this version we have removed the option "Allows signers to upload the signature image for DrawToSign". If you require the user to upload a signature image, please use the new signature type "Stamp" instead of "DrawTypeToSign".

Release notes for version 4.20.2

Date : 02-06-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.17.1

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.20

Notes :

  • fix for Bulksign specific metadata not being embedded in signature in a specific configuration

Release notes for version 4.20.1

Date : 27-05-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.17.1

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.20

Notes :

  • fix for access code link which, in a certain condition, lead to the generation of a wrong url

  • added help links to draft settings dialog and recipients page

Release notes for version 4.20

Date : 25-05-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.17

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.20

Notes :

  • we have extended recipient callbacks to be sent when emails are bouncing

  • added email templates support for Japanese language.

Release notes for version 4.19

Date : 23-05-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.17

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.3

Notes :

  • audit trail PDF is now generated with font Kurinto and the font is embedded into PDF.

  • we add the possibility to use custom fonts for signature imprints for on-premise version. We've added "Open Sans" as as new font for SAAS version.

  • added the possibility to search teams for a specific user (search is done by the email address).

  • added email bouncing/blocking info for SAAS version.

Release notes for version 4.18

Date : 12-05-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.17

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.3

Notes :

  • fixed an issue which prevented the Reminder button to show up in envelope details page

  • added option for time interval between reminders. On, this interval is now set to 12h.

Release notes for version 4.17.1

Date : 28-04-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.17

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.3

Notes :

  • fixed an issue with API GetEnvelopesToSign which did not returned all concurrent envelopes

Release notes for version 4.17

Date : 27-04-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.17

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.3

Notes :

  • added support for concurrent envelope mode

Release notes for version 4.16

Date : 28-03-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.15

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.3

Notes :

  • added option to show/hide the signing links for the envelope senders.

  • added UI option for drafts to enable/disable incognito mode editing.

  • added possibility to specify a UI language for drafts opened in incognito mode.

Release notes for version 4.15

Date : 21-03-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.15

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.3

Notes :

  • DrawToSign : we have a added a signature complexity check to prevent signing with very simple signatures (dots, simple lines etc).

  • User list : the type of user account is now displayed (Password or external OIDC/SAML provider)

  • UI : added possibility to add new users with external OIDC/SAML provider from UI.

  • new option in Signing Settings : "Automatically navigate to first required form field" . If enabled , WebSign will navigate automatically to the first required field when the document is opened.

  • added UI option to re-assign the signature type for recipients. Only the basic options are available for re-assignment : ClickToSign, DrawTypeToSign and LocalCertificate.

  • added Ukrainian language localization

Release notes for version 4.14.3

Date : 09-03-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.14

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.3

Notes :

  • fixed issue with SAML authentication result not being added to audit trail #297

Release notes for version 4.14

Date : 07-03-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.14

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.3

Notes :

  • added support for SAML authentication for envelope senders.

  • added support for SAML authentication to login in Bulksign.

  • added new envelope status : Deleted. Will be retured by GetStatus, GetEnvelopesByStatus and GetEnvelopeDetails.

It makes it easier to distinguish between invalid envelope ids and requests for envelopes which were already deleted by the envelope sender.

Release notes for version 4.13

Date : 24-02-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.13

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.3

Notes :

  • added support for OpenID Connection authentication for envelope senders.

  • SAAS version supports now account creation with Github and Gitlab

Release notes for version 4.12

Date : 21-02-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.12

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.3

Notes :

  • added support for OpenID Connection authentication for signers

Release notes for version 4.11

Date : 14-02-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.10

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.3

Notes :

  • added email templates translation for : Hungarian, Polish and Portuguese

  • performance improvments for background service

Release notes for version 4.10.13

Date : 04-02-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.10

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.3

Notes :

  • added new recipient type : Approver

Release notes for version 4.9

Date : 26-01-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.8

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.3

Notes :

  • WebSign : added explicit option to close a signing session

  • SAAS version shows the organization logo in dashboard now

Release notes for version 4.9

Date : 26-01-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.8

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.3

Notes :

  • WebSign : added explicit option to close a signing session

  • SAAS version shows the organization logo in dashboard now

Release notes for version 4.8

Date : 20-01-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.8

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.3

Notes :

  • Paper Savings : new feature which keeps track of how many A4 paper pages were "saved" when using Bulksign. Available in Settings \ Paper Savings.

  • User deletion : allows the administrator which deletes an user to choose to whom the envelopes will be re-assigned

  • WebSign : if captcha is enabled, it will also be used in the password authentication page

Release notes for version 4.7

Date : 07-01-2022

BulksignSDK : 4.7

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.3

Notes :

  • Active Directory synchronization tool was merged into BulksignCLI

  • added option to force the signer to download the signature disclosure PDF

  • the signature disclosure PDF file is now signed

Fixes : #278, #277, #276, #105

Release notes for version 4.6

Date : 24-11-2021

BulksignSDK : 4.4.1

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.3

Notes :

  • form fields and attachments are prevented from being added to already signed documents.

  • signature imprint has a new option for local/client side DateTime,

  • added support for validation to text fields (API only for now).

  • simplified document timestamping usage in the API

  • added envelope metadata information to envelope details page

Release notes for version 4.5

Date : 29-10-2021

BulksignSDK : 4.3

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.3

Notes :

  • added import/export feature for organization users

  • added PDF files selector in designer mode

  • added new email templates for license expiration

Release notes for version 4.4

Date : 09-09-2021

BulksignSDK : 4.2

ExtensibilitySDK : 4.2.2

Notes :

  • added option per organization to configure SMS texts.

  • added new signature type that allows signing with local certificates. This requires the new Bulksign.CertificatrHub application (Windows 7/8/10 only at the moment).

Release notes for version 4.1

Date : 17-05-2021

Notes :

  • added posibility to configure different fonts for different languages when generating the audit trail

  • PDF documents who's security settings prevent further signing cannot be uploaded anymore in Bulksign.

  • audit trail : signer's browser + OS name and version are added.

  • added organization contants.

  • added APIs to find your team members drafts/templates/envelopes.

Release notes for version 4.0

Date : 02-11-2020

Notes :

  • added new APIS to update users and organization settings

  • added API to return the supported UI languages.

  • added plugin for scanning files before being written to disk.

  • storage encryption

  • added possibility to authenticate to API with global keys.

  • added configuration for file type attachments

  • added option to reject signing without entering the rejection reason

  • added toggable header option to signature imprints.

Release notes for version 3.7

Date : 08-07-2020

Notes :

  • added option to make form fields read-only on envelope completion

  • added GetOrganizationUsers API

  • new Policies settings

  • Active Driectory synchronization supports now multiple organizations.

  • audit trail contains the SHA-256 hash of the finished document

  • added option to configure a MAX file size for CC recipients. If the size of the attachment is higher, a link to download the document is sent instead of attachment.

Release notes for version 3.5.2

Date : 22-04-2020
Bulksign version : 3.5
Bulksign.Extensibility : 1.8.2
Bulksign.Sdk : 2.1

Notes :

  • recipient notifications are only visible if you toggle them (number counter is shown by default)

  • if you have cookies disable, WebSign redirects you to a page which asks you to enable them

  • EnableIframeEventsForUrl option is moved to the "Signatures" settings page and can be set globally for all envelopes.

Release notes for version 3.5

Date : 20-03-2020
Bulksign version : 3.5
Bulksign.Extensibility : 1.8.2
Bulksign.Sdk : 2.0

Notes :

  • minimum .NET required version is now .NET 4.7.2

  • alongside VC++ 2010 redist, now VC++ 2013 redist is also required

Features :

  • teams : define teams of users which can access each other envelopes and drafts. 2 team types are supported for maximum flexibility.

  • added OTP signature: specifc signature type which requires authentication by SMS

  • integration API keys can now be added per organization

  • added incognito mode for editing drafts

  • accessing the signing document with access code

  • optional setting which allow the signer to upload the signature image

  • added Document Expiration policy

  • added multiple signature types : ClickToSign, DrawTypeToSign and OtpSign

  • improved visual customization, also this feature is now enabled for all types of accounts. The organization logo is now also shown in the signing page

  • added editor for signature imprint texts

  • Envelope Detail page now shows the notifications sent for each recipient (both emails and SMSes)

  • added new extensibility provider for sending emails. We also ship 2 providers : SendGrid and Sparkpost

OnPremise version specific features :

  • added posibility to obtain evaluation license automatically (access to is required)

  • new license type supported (pay what you consume)

  • allows the definition of instance level API keys.

  • added option to enable/disable access codes

  • added option to backup the finished EnvelopeFiles to specific network share path

  • added option to create multiple organizations.

New APIs :

  • new API to create drafts from file (CreateDraftFromFile / CreateDraftFromBase64File)

  • new API to download envelope files while the envelope is still in progress.

Older releases are available on request