

Please note that the Bulksign license is tied to your server(s) name and changing that name WILL invalidate the license. If you want to change the server name, please contact us first to provide an updated license

Apply Production License

Login to Bulksign as an organization administrator, navigate to Settings \ Licensing Details, click the "Update License" button and choose the license file provided by us.

Same operation can be done with BulksignCli by running :

bulksigncli.exe applylicense "c:\license.bscx"

Obtain Evaluation License

After installing Bulksign, you will be required to create a new organization and you have the option to upload a license file. If you do not upload a file, Bulksign will try to connect to and obtain an evaluation license.

The same operations can also be done with BulksignCli by running :

bulksigncli.exe applytrial

View License Information

  • from UI, the license information can be viewed from Settings \ Licensing Details

  • with BulksignCli the license information can be by running
bulksigncli.exe viewlicense


What is the difference between Evaluation and Production licenses ?

Evaluation licenses are only meant for evaluating Bulksign and will modify the PDF files with a "TRIAL" watermark. There is no product difference from a functionality point of view between the 2 type of licenses.

If the evaluation period is finished or my envelopes are consumed, can the evaluation period be extended ?


I want to do load testing and send a very large number of envelopes. How can this be accomplished ?

Contact us with this request and we will provide a special license for this type of activity.

When starting Bulksign I get this error message : "There is a problem with the Bulksign license" along with an error code. What should I do ?

There can be multiple causes for this :

  • DB connection problem : for this one please check if the DB server is up and running, the credentials are correct and Bulksign can connect to it.

  • error code 9812 : this one means you changed the server name. Contact us to solve the problem.

The "Expiration Date" field for my license is "PERPETUAL". What does that means ?

It means the license will never expire.

What happens if my license expires and I don't want to renew it ?

You will not be able to send new envelopes but the application will continue to work as before.

I see a "Hash" value in the license information. What does that represent ?

The hash value is needed for license renewal, please provide it to us along with the LicenseId if requested.