
The "Event Log" shows specific recorded actions and events for organization users. The following events are recorded :


The following events are tracked :

DraftDeleted : when user is deleting a draft

TemplateDeleted : when user is deleting a template

EnvelopeDelete : when user is deleting an envelope

EnvelopeCancel : when user cancels an envelope

MarkOrganizationForDeletion : when organization administrator deletes the organization

RemoveUserWithUnconfirmedEmail : this event is added when Bulksign deletes an user which didn't confirm its email address (after the 24h period passes).

Login : when user logs into Bulksign

ChangedPassword : when user changes his password

InvitedUser : when organization administrator invites a new user to join the organization

ConnectedApplication : when user allows API access to his account to an external application

PersonalAPIKeyAdded : when user adds a new personal API key

PersonalAPIKeyDeleted : when user deletes a personal API key

VisualCustomizationUpdatedCSS : when organization administrator edits the customization CSS

VisualCustomizationAddOrganizationLogo : when organization administrator adds/replaces the organization logo

VisualCustomizationImportedFromFile : when organization administrator overwrites the current visual customization with one imported from file

VisualCustomizationSignatureBackgroundImage : when organization administrator overwrites the current visual customization with one imported from file

EmailTemplatesCreated : the organization administrator

EmailTemplatesDeleted : email template was deleted

EmailTemplateUpdated : email template was updated

EmailTemplateAddNewLanguage : when organization administrator adds email templates for a new language

SignaturesAutomaticFinish : Signatures Settings -> the value of setting "Enable automatic finishing after all signatures are done" was changed

SignaturesSigningForceReadDocument : Signatures Settings -> the value of setting "Force the signers to read the document before signing" was changed

SignaturesSigningConfirmation : Signatures Settings -> the value of setting "Ask signer for confirmation when signing with ClickToSign or Bulksign profile signature " was changed

SignaturesAllowRejectWithoutText : Signatures Settings -> the value of setting "Allow signer to reject without entering the rejection reason" was changed

SignaturesEnableGeolocation : Signatures Settings -> the value of setting "Enable geolocation request" was changed

SignaturesShowIntroductionPage : Signatures Settings -> the value of setting "Show signer a introduction page with info about the sender/previous signers" was changed

SignaturesAllowDocumentDownloadBySigner : Signatures Settings -> the value of setting "Allow signer to download documents after signing is finished" was changed

SignaturesAllowSignatureImageUpload : Signatures Settings -> the value of setting "Allows signers to upload the signature image for DrawToSign" was changed

SignaturesApplyImprintForDrawType : Signatures Settings -> the value of setting "Apply imprint for DrawTypeToSign signatures " was changed

SignatureApplyImprintForBulksignProfile : Signatures Settings -> the value of setting "Apply imprint for Bulksign profile signatures" was changed

SignatureIframeEventsUrl : Signatures Settings -> the value of setting "Trigger events when integrating WebSign in a iframe" was changed


SignaturesLocalCertificateEutlValidation : Signatures Settings -> the value of setting "Enable EUTL validation for CA which emitted the certificate" was changed

SignaturesLocalCertificateRecipientMatchCertificate : Signatures Settings -> the value of setting "The local certificate must match the recipient name" was changed

SignaturesLTVSignature : Signatures Settings -> the value of setting "Enable Long Term Validation for signatures" was changed

SignaturesTimestampConfiguration : Signatures Settings -> the value of setting "Enable support for timestamping" or the timestamp configuration was changed

SignaturesNotificationSendOnCanceledEnvelopeUpdate : Signatures Settings -> the value of setting "Send email notification to current signers when i cancel a envelope" was changed

SignaturesNotificationSendOnDeletedInProgressEnvelopeUpdate : Signatures Settings -> the value of setting "Send email notification to current signers when i delete a in progress envelope" was changed

DocumentRetention : The "Document Retention" settings were changed

TeamNew : A new team was created

TeamDeleted : A team was deleted

TeamChanged : A team was updated

SignatureImprintUpdated : a signature imprint has been updated

SignatureImprintDeleted : a signature imprint has been deleted

SignatureImprintAdded : a new signature imprint has been added

SignatureDisclosure : the signature disclosure has been updated

OrganizationAPIKeyGenerated : a new organization API key was generated.

UserAutomaticSigningProfileUpdate : a user automatic signing profile was changed

UserAutomaticSigningProfileDeleted : a user automatic signing profile was deleted

OrganizationAutomaticSigningProfileUpdated : a organization automatic signing profile was updated

OrganizationAutomaticSigningProfileDeleted : a organization automatic signing profile was deleted

WebHook : a WebHook setting has been updated

SignCertificateAdded : a new signing certificate has been added to the organization

SignCertificateDeleted : the organization signing certificate has been deleted

UserSettingsUpdate : the user updated a setting. The name of the setting is included in the event message.

PoliciesMetadataEditorUrl : PoliciesSettings -> the metadata policy was changed

PoliciesRecipientAuthentication : PoliciesSettings -> the recipient authentication policy was updated

OrganizationSettingUpdate : an organization specific settings was changed. The text entry for this event contains the name of the setting.

UserDeleted : an organization user was deleted

SharedContactDeleted : an shared organization contact was deleted


How do i find additional information about the action performed by user ?

Actions performed for specific entities (envelopes, drafts) have this additional data :

{"Id":"8cee185d-6a63-ec11-9127-d050997b638e","Name":"Test Document","Action":{"Origin":"UI","Request":";Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.110 Safari/537.36 Edg/96.0.1054.62"}}

Origin : shows how the action was performed. It can have the following values : UI : action was performed from Bulksign UI API : action was performed with a API request DocumentRetention : only for document deletion entries, is set for documents which were removed as part of document retention Request : IP and user agent information

How can i the list for a specific event performed by a single user ?

From the user drop-down select the first item ("[All]").