Signature Imprints

This section allows you to define and edit the signature imprints for all types of signatures.

The following options are editable for each imprint :

Font Name, Size and Style

Choose the font name, size and style whioch will be used for the signature imprint.

Text color

Choose the color of the text overlay.

Draw Field Header This option allows you to enable/disable if the imprint field header name is used or not. If this option is enabled, you also have the option to choose the languges used for the header's text imprint.

Imprint Informations

Draw the signer name

Choose to include the signer name in the signature field.

Draw the signer email address

Choose to include the signer's email address in the signature field.

Draw the signer IP address

Choose to include the signer's IP address on the signature field.

Draw signer job description if available

Choose to include the signer's job description (if available).

Draw the date and time

Draws the date and time at which signing occurred. You can also choose the timezone and format of the date.

Please note that the font size selected here applies when the height of the signature field is 90px or higher.

If the signature size is decreased below this value, the font size used for the imprint will also decrease to "fit" the signature fields.

Here are the used values for sifferent signature heights :

- 10px or smaller : 2px font size;
- between 10 and 20 : 3px font size;
- betwene 20 and 40 : 5px font size;
- between 40 and 90 : 7px font size;